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Morris International is committed to promoting a 'culture of compliance' relating to its marketing operation. This involves complying with all relevant laws and regulations as well as developing sound internal policies and procedures.

The Morris International Competition and Consumer and Privacy Compliance Program is in conformance with the Australian Standard AS3806 - Compliance Programs and has the full commitment of the board and staff.

The Morris International board expects all staff to be aware of their compliance obligations, to carry them out diligently and report any concerns they may have to the Compliance Department. To this end the Compliance Department is available to give training and assistance on all compliance related matters.

Trade Practices and Privacy Compliance Policy

The in-house Compliance Department maintains the Morris International Competition and Consumer and Privacy Compliance Program which is internally reviewed annually against the Australian Standard, and in addition, we commission periodical independent audits.

A compliance program is a system designed to reduce an organisation's risk of breaking the law, to help it meet its obligations to customers and to promote good business practices. It has three main elements:

  1. To aim to prevent law breaking;
  2. To promote a culture of compliance;
  3. To encourage 'good corporate citizenship'.

The Compliance Department aims are as follows;

  1. To ensure that all out-going mail is compliant with both internal policies and government regulations;
  2. To ensure that all internal systems are in place which allow for the correct fulfilment of orders; and
  3. To ensure that staff are trained to understand and participate in the Morris International compliance program.
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